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Мектеп емтихандарына ыңғайлырақ форматта дайындалыңыз
My education is my capital
My name is Amangeldi Diyar and I am a student of the 8th grade of the Zhas Daryn Specialized School for Gifted Children. I live in a world of fleeting events, in a country where the fourth industrial revolution is intensively developing. I consciously understand that my education is my initial capital, relying on that my own life and professional success can be achieved in the future.
One of my goals is to become a highly qualified specialist. Naturally, my parents from the first grade instill in me such qualities as restraint, good breeding, purposefulness, punctuality, independence and leadership. I constantly work on myself in order to learn how to effectively solve any professional tasks in the future and develop my individual qualities in chosen subject areas.
I was lucky in the sense that in my educational process there is as they say an educational revolution. We began to accumulate a basis of knowledge and skills, solve various life situations in all lessons, and in the language of teachers this is called «functional literacy». Educational capital requires a comprehensively developed and cultural personality. Education is exactly the guarantor of a person’s life success, his daily bread, the well-being of his soul, and the development of a spiritual rich culture. Of course, in the modern world you can get rich, but the question is how long can you be "a businessman with no education"? Even though I am only 13 years old, I have already clearly understood that in any society my given level of knowledge will find a certain place, so I prefer to keep up with the wave of rapid changes. I do not want in the future, when I become a parent, to be in a ridiculous situation, without having an intellect to help solve my child’s task. When there is a strong motivation, you can achieve the goal. Studying in higher educational institutions will enable me to get a well-paying job, will open the doors for career and material growth. And only then there will be an opportunity to travel abroad on holiday with a family, see the world with my own eyes, compare the standard of living, and in practice gain even more knowledge that will be applied on the life path to old age.
The development of educational capital depends on the person. For instance, in one lesson, you can get a certain amount of knowledge that will find its application in the future, but if we ignore these 40 minutes, then we will lose one brick in the construction of an «educational house». Seriously? Can one brick play an important role? The most important one! Even in one brick there is so much value and intelligence.
In conclusion, I have no doubt that education is my future capital. It will help me find a place in life, unleash potential, enjoy life and delight loved ones, but for this you need to study hard and this is my credo.
Амангелді Дияр Нажжатұлы
Павлодар қаласы «Жас дарын мамандандырылған мектебі» 8-сынып оқушысы
ученик 8 класса ГУ «Специализированная школа Жас дарын», г. Павлодар