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Текст 5


Man Overboard

On July 21 the wind suddenly died away. It was hot and absolutely still, and we knew from experience what this might mean. And sure enough, the wind blew from southward, where black clouds had again appeared. All of a sudden Torstein’s sleeping bag went overboard. Herman tried to catch the bag, and fell overboard. We heard a faint cry for help and saw Herman’s head and waving arm, as well as some green object near him. We cried «Man Overboard» at the top of our voices when we rushed to the lifeboat. Herman was an excellent swimmer, but we realized that his life was in danger. While Bengt and I put the lifeboat into the sea, Knut and Eric threw out the lifebelt on its line. But the wind was so strong, that every time it was blown back. Now one hope lay in the lifeboat which we had got into the water. But whether the rubber lifeboat would ever get back to the Kon-Tiki was hard to say. Then we suddenly saw Knut plunge into the sea. He had the lifebelt in his hand. Knut and Herman were swimming to meet each other and were hanging on the lifebelt. All four of us took hold of the line of the lifebelt and pulled as hard as we could, suddenly we fixed on the great dark object behind the two men. Was it some mysterious beast? Then we realized that it was a corner of Torstein’s sleeping bag!

We said a lot of good things to Knut that day. (from Kon – Tiki, after T Heyerdahl)

  1. Where did the wind blow from?

  2. Whose sleeping bag went overboard?

  3. Who tried to catch the bag?

  4. Did the lifeboat have a chance to return to Kon-Tiki?

  5. Knut saved Herman with the help of

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