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What is victory for me?
There are no winners or losers in our life. «Victory» and «defeat» are just concepts, which have different meaning for each person. Everything depends on the way of thinking. Personally, I think that the word «victory» means various things, from which the most important one is «the victory over myself», but the defeat of a rival is absolutely not considered as a victory.
The main struggle always takes place inside of a human. We're required to have enough courage to face our enemies, but we need it much more to confront ourselves. I always strive for success. Success means the victory over laziness, hesitation and fear. Day by day I overcome sleepiness, getting up early, overcome indolence, doing morning exercises, overcome anger and disenchantment when something goes wrong. These insignificant victories make me feel as a winner and get me closer to the success. As Leonid Leonov said, all the victories start with the victory over ourselves.
I believe we can't take into account the rival's defeat as a victory. In my point of view, victory signifies improvement of the personal qualities. When I did taekwondo, I participated in many competitions. Due to the lack of weight I had to fight with opponents from the previous age group, that's why I easily beat them and was definitely the best. But the funniest thing was that I didn't feel as a victor, because I fought with weak adversaries. One day there was a contest with the girl who was one level higher than me, so we had really arduous duel, during which I lost. It was the first time when I was the second one. To my astonishment this second place was more meaningful than all those first places I had before. That day I really enjoyed the competition. I felt deep satisfaction from it because I could square up to strong contender. It was my personal victory. This experience helped me a lot. I reconsidered my views on many things. Confucius said: «Victory is the defeat». I understood that the defeat could also be a victory.
In conclusion, victory for me is overcoming of our inner obstacles and barriers. I always think as a winner, believe in my virtues and respect myself. Even if I fail, I remain the winner, as I gain some experience, acquire new skills and abilities. Surmounting difficulties, I self-develop. Think as a winner and you can change the world!
Лазарева Анна Леонидовна
Қарағанды қаласы ХББ НЗМ 8-сынып оқушысы
ученица 8 класса НИШ ХБН, г. Караганда