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Am I a talent reader?
Is every reader talented? And who is a talented reader? Is this a person who reads many different books daily or reads only smart, scientific books? Does he remember all the information received or forgets everything immediately after reading? In fact, not all readers are talented. A talented reader is a person who has learned to choose the right books that he really likes, a person who does not read the book thoughtlessly and is able to go headlong into the unusual world of characters. These criteria suggest that I am a talented reader.
As I wrote above, not every reader is talented, but there are certain criteria. First of all, a talented reader knows how to choose books. A good book can be seen immediately, so a talented reader is able to determine from the first pages whether he will like this book or not. The abstract often helps me in this. It opens the curtain to the reader and if I like the scenery, then, most likely, the book will be fascinating. So, a talented reader is able to weed out books that are not worth the attention and choose the best one.
Secondly, a talented reader reads books wisely. A person can read 10 books, but remember nothing, but a real reader is able to take lessons from the book, remember interesting moments and clever statements, and then share it with friends, discuss the book with other readers. I read several books a month and I analyze each book, trying to understand why heroes do this and not otherwise, learn from their mistakes. Thus, I not only read the words themselves, which make up the text of the work but also understand the purpose of the author, the very essence of the book, which is very important for a talented reader.
Finally, a talented reader is able to truly plunge into the world of the book. A good book for me is a trip to uncharted worlds, new discoveries and impressions, endless balls and bright outfits or feats, war for the Motherland and the loss of loved ones. I pass all the trials together with the heroes, I feel the same feelings, be it the bitterness of defeat or the sweet taste of victory, the joy of having ended well or sadness because of the injustice of the world. That is, I being a talented reader penetrate into the era of events, into the world of heroes, into the thoughts of the author and become part of the book, a new character.
Summing up, I can say that I am a really talented reader, because I learned to find interesting books for myself, of which I will definitely remember all the most important things, analyze and draw certain lessons, putting myself in the place of a character. And if someone wants to become a talented reader, I can help plunge into the fascinating world of books.
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