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Great Britain Pubs.

People say that pubs are as important as museums in Great Britain. Their long history has played a big role shaping the customs and culture of this country but they have also become very popular in other European countries and all over the world.

English public houses or pubs are one of the characteristic features of British life. They are visited by members of every social class, both young and old, men and women. In London alone, there are nearly seven thousand pubs. Going to a different one every night for a «pint of beer» would take you around twenty years.

The most popular name for pub is «The Red Lion». You can find several types of beer, gin, rum and other drinks. You can eat a little, play darts, billiards or discuss events of the day. In many pubs you can even watch sports programmes. Some pubs offer live music to listen to.

At present there are about seventy-three thousand pubs in Great Britain. Many of them date back to the seventeenth or eighteenth century. All of them offer new guests a warm welcome and a nice, friendly atmosphere. There are, however, a few rules which you must follow. For example, you should always order a drink in a pub. You should also know when to leave. There are always two bells to warm you to finish your drink – at 10.50 p.m. and at 11.00 p.m. You must leave the pub by 11.20 p.m.

(World of English)

  1. There are nearly 7,000 pubs

  2. In a pub, you can

  3. In a pub, you are not allowed to

  4. «The Red Lion» is

  5. There are _____ signals to go home.

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